I had a recent conversation with an Elder from my mother's congregation. He with another Elder was at my mom's house. My mother has all the bound volumes for both the awake and watchtower plus most of the older books. This elder tried to witness to me and he would ask me questions. I know what the new teaching is but I would always answer with "old light" and I would get out the Watchtower or Awake to show him in there.
The witnesses always use the same open ended questions no matter the congregation. The one he asked me was who will not be resurrected? The correct adjusted knowledge answer is Adam, Eve, and Judas. But I feign ignorance and stated all those in Sodom and Gomorrah. I was waiting for him to refute my answer but then I showed him the watchtower answer in the 80's was they would not be resurrected. There were several more questions of this type which I'm sure most of you were trained to ask. It was fun because I was ready for it.
He was getting frustrated and told my mother she should throw away all those bound volumes and that is what he did. He only keeps the watchtower and awake from 2000 to present. So of course I took a parting shot and stated, " Oh I guess the last 90 years of teachings was wrong?" lol
Basically the religion keeps changing every 10-15 years.